Showing posts with label Christian songs with chords and lyrics.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christian songs with chords and lyrics.. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Glory songs of Praise and Worship

Music excellence for the Lord

Song and music fulfill their function as signs in a manner all the more significant when they are "more closely connected...with the liturgical action" according to three participation of the assembly at the designated moments, and the solemn character of the celebration. In this way they participate in the purpose of the liturgical words and actions: the glory of God and the sanctification of the faithful (Catechism of the Catholic Church 1156-1157)

Music is gift from God which allows man to fully express himself. In the CFC community, music has and will always be a part of our basic expression of our love for God. It is a special means by which we reach out and communicate to our Father and thus, strengthens our personal relationship with Him. Music also inspires people and may also evangelize them.

Music in Scripture

Music started with God through eternity. God loves music. He loves to hear us sing to Him. In Job 38:4-7, we read "Where were you when I laid foundation of the earth? Tell me, if you have understanding, Who set its measurements? Since you know. Or who stretched the line on it? On what were its bases sunk? Or who laid its corner stone, when the morning stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for joy?

As early as Genesis 4:21, there was Jubal whose name means "sound". He is eight in line from Adam and is said to be 'the ancestor of all who play the lyre and the pipe."

In King David's time we see organized singers and musicians (Levites) ministering day and night in the tabernacle and, later, in the temple.
(1Chr 9:33, 15:16,27, 16:4-6, 23:2-5,30-31, 2Chr 5:12-14, 20:20-30)

Music in CFC

Music is a basic element of our worship life in CFC. The elements of a full charismatic worship in CFC are:
  1. music and singing
  2. Prayers
  3. Scripture readings
  4. Offering of gifts (First fruits)
  5. Affirmation of faith
  6. Responses from the community (Amen's)
  7. Symbols - cross, bible, candles
  8. Silence - being still and listening to God
  9. Prophecies, Visions
  10. Healing
  11. External actions like standing, clapping, raising hands, kneeling, dancing
In CFC, we traditionally follow a pattern in worshiping God as one body. a basic pattern puts order in the sequence and flow of the worship segments. It also allows brothers and sisters to open up and surrender themselves totally to the Lord.

A typical community worship at the beginning of any CFC gathering includes the following:

Gathering song
This serve as a signal to the assembly to settle down and allow the Spirit to move and draw all o posture of worship.

Praise and worship song (3 songs - 2 fast and 1 slow)
Before songs are selected, it is extremely important that the worship leader spends a generous amount of time with the Lord, praying and asking the Holy Spirit for guidance and developing a simple theme for worship. The Spirit-led worship leader then select songs available to him to coincide with the theme.

Praising and singing in the Spirit
The worship leader and the music ministry allocate time in between songs to allow the congregation to fully experience God by praising Him and singing in tongues.

This period allows the assembly to listen to God and to His Word. Inspired Scripture readings and prophecies are said aloud.

Vocal Prayers
Thanksgiving and personal intentions are uttered individually.

In CFC, there are different occasions wherein we gather together and worship as one body of Christ. These are usually, but not limited to, the following:
  1. Household meetings
  2. Chapter assemblies
  3. Sector assemblies
  4. Teaching nights
  5. Praise fest
  6. Eucharistic Celebration